This pizza flour bravo typically contains higher protein compared to all-purpose flour, which helps to create chewy, elastic texture and good pizza crusts. This bravo pizza flour is finely milled, which helps in achieving a smooth dough texture and a consistent rise. This pizza flour has strong gluten qualities which allows the dough to stretch without tearing, which is useful for creating a thin, crispy crust or a thick, airy crust, depending on your preference. This pizza flour performs well during long fermentation processes, allowing enhanced flavor and digestible crust. This type of flour for pizza can often be used for other baked goods that require a similar gluten structure, like bread. This bravo pizza flour provides consistent results, which is crucial for both home bakers and professional pizzerias. Consistency in texture, rise, and taste is key to achieving a dependable product. Lower ash content in pizza flour typically results in a cleaner, whiter flour, which can impact the flavor and color of the finished crust whereas higher ash content can contribute to a more robust flavor and slightly darker crust. The dough made from the best pizza flour is easier to handle, stretch, and shape, and bravo pizza flour has a stable shelf life when stored properly. This pizza flour bravo has the ability to perform well in baking. This best pizza flour can also be used in other baked goods, such as certain types of pastries or baked snacks. This best pizza flour is a significant source of carbohydrates, which provide energy. Protein creates a chewy and elastic dough. Fiber aids in digestion, helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels this bravo pizza flour is generally low in fat, making it a good base for creating doughs without adding excessive fats. If you are using chemical leavening agents like baking powder or baking soda, bravo pizza flour will still support a good rise. Proper kneading is essential until pizza dough is smooth and elastic. This is your best flour for pizza and other items like bread etc. Wheat Flour, Malt Flour, Vitamin C, Enzymes, Salt are some bravo pizza flour ingredients.. This bravo pizza flour is typically used for making various type of things : Pizza Dough: The main use of bravo pizza flour is to create pizza dough. This pizza flour produces a dough with the right texture, elasticity, and rise, suitable for different styles of pizza.It is one of the best flour for pizza dough. Breadmaking : Depending on its protein content, pizza flour can also be used to make bread. The flour’s high protein helps develop gluten, which is crucial for a good bread structure. Suitable for artisan breads, focaccia, ciabatta, and other crusty bread varieties. Breadsticks and Rolls : The bravo pizza flour can be used to make breadsticks, dinner rolls, and other small bread items. The flour’s texture and gluten content provide the desired chewiness and structure in things. Nutritional Value per 100 grams Carbohydrates: 72.57 g Sugars: 0.41 g Dietary Fiber: 12.2 g Fat: 1.87 g Calories: Carbohydrates: 72.57 g × 4 kcal/g = 290.28 kcal Fat: 1.87 g × 9 kcal/g = 16.83 kcal Protein: around 13 g × 4 kcal/g = 52 kcal