Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At the point when you decided to shop with us, you've set a lot of trust in our business. You depend on our top-quality help, products and expect positive shopping experience. It doesn't end there, and we have further obligations towards our clients, for example, ensuring your own data which we gather from you.
This privacy policy clarifies how we gather, secure, use, and reveal what individual data we gather from you when you utilize our website at or some other website we work, or via telephone or eye to eye. The Cash and Carry and related organizations ("we", "us" and "our") may change this policy occasionally by refreshing this page.

Your own data 

At the point when you open a record with us either via telephone, on the web or vis-à-vis in one of our branches we would expect you to furnish us with your essential individual data so as to be ready to give you the most ideal help. We will treat this data in agreement with the terms and states of this privacy policy which is in consistence with General Data Insurance Guideline.
By entering your own data in our website, you acknowledge that we may hold your data and it might be held by any outsider organization that measures it for our benefit.

Which data we gather and why

The data we gather by means of our website or through correspondence with you has an indispensable impact which empowers us to work and improve the administration we offer you. We accumulate data in the accompanying manners;

  •  When you register with us by means of our website we request that you give individual data such as your first name, center name, last name, address or street number and contact subtleties counting email addresses, portable/telephone numbers and position in organization. We store this data in our data base which empowers us to remember you as our client. Thusly we can offer our services to you and manage your requests.
  • In the event that you decide to pay online for the merchandise you request, we likewise request installment card data anyway we don't store any of those subtleties.
  • We likewise track your purchasing history to improve the nature of your shopping involvement in us and make it faster for you to discover the products that you buy normally.
  • We track any email correspondence you send us. This encourages us to monitor any issues you've had with our products or services.
  • Calls made to our Client assistance Helpline might be recorded for observing and quality control purposes.
  • We may gather data about you from outsider specialist co-ops, for example, credit reference organizations, this is fundamental for us to remember you as a confided in client.
  • Technical data, including the Web convention (IP) address used to associate your PC to the web, your login data, program type and form, time region setting, program module types and forms, screen goal, working framework and stage;
  • Data about your visit, including the full Uniform Asset Finders, clickstream to, through and from our webpage (counting date and time), page reaction times, download mistakes,  length of visits to specific pages, page cooperation data, (for example, looking over, clicks, and mouse-overs) and techniques used to peruse away from the page.


A cookie is a little bit of data sent from a website and put away on the client's PC by the client's internet browser while the client is perusing which is utilized to recognize you from different clients of the site.

  • We use cookies for investigation, for example, Google Examination and Microsoft Application Experiences and others.
  • We utilize content conveyance accomplices who may utilize cookies to help speed the conveyance of pictures furthermore, content.
  • By proceeding to utilize our locales you consent to the utilization of cookies.
  • You ought to know that this privacy policy applies just to our locales. Critically, it does not make a difference to some other websites to which a connection might be given on our locales. We can't control and are not answerable for the activities of outsiders working such destinations. You ought not take the presence of a connection from some other website to mean it has a privacy policy like this one. You should audit the privacy policy of any such website.

How we utilize your data

We utilize your own data just to

  • Register you as a client
  • Manage your request and flexibly you with our products and services
  • Plan and deal with our business exercises
  • Manage your solicitations
  • Break down client's shopping practices and inclinations
  • Accumulate measurable data and direct marketing examination to give outsiders in an anonymized structure
  • Advise you about our advancements, offers, occasions, products and services as portrayed in the "marketing" area underneath.
  • Improve our products and services
  • Forestall and distinguish any extortion
  • Permit us to consent to any prerequisites forced on us by law or court request
  • Advise you of requests you have set, and their announcements including conveyance or assortment times, value changes or an update about a remarkable question
  • To empower us to give a notification or restorative activity to you corresponding to any of our products, services or advising you about changes to our terms and conditions or privacy policy
  • Tell you of value changes, new products, and unique proposals to assist you with finding the best products we flexibly. By enrolling a record with us you are concurring that your own data can be dealt with for the above conditions.


We may reach you to furnish you with data in regards to advancements, product news or new catalog refreshes. This correspondence will cover products sold, services sold or services sold on benefit of us.
Locate the accompanying subtleties on the most proficient method to withdraw from our marketing

  • Email When we send a marketing email you can click withdraw at the base of the email or go to enter in your email address.
  • SMS: When we send Marketing SMS you can send a STOP message back to withdraw.
  • Postal: When we present a booklet on you it will have insights regarding how to withdraw or you can email with your postal location

Sharing your own data

We work with outside organizations to handle your charge card installments and outsider help suppliers, for example, credit reference offices for social affair data which will empower us to open a credit represent you.
Where we have motivation to associate extortion or the commission with some other criminal offense, we may share your data, (for example, your name, address data, subtleties of bombed installments and your requests history) with wrongdoing anticipation organizations and certain outsiders to distinguish and forestalling wrongdoing. Such outsiders may incorporate colleagues, law authorization bodies, suppliers of extortion anticipation and discovery services, and beneficiaries of misrepresentation avoidance and discovery services.
On the off chance that we plan to share your data for any reasons other than set out above, you will be advised and have the open door not to permit us to deliver this data to any outsiders.

How we secure your data

We don't hold any cardholder data in our data base, all installment subtleties will be put away and prepared by means of related accomplices who are GDPR agreeable.
Your record subtleties are put away in our data base and carefully secured with an encryption framework, possibly approved work force can get to the data when it is essential.
We have electronic, physical and procedural shields set up to guarantee your record data isn't unveiled to any outsider without your authorization. We may periodically demand verification of character before we unveil individual data to you.
Our websites use start to finish encryption (HTTPS), to a significant level guaranteeing that correspondences on our websites are emphatically scrambled. We normally test the encryption of our workers to guarantee that they remain so.
Where we move your own data outside of the European Monetary Region (to help satisfy certain business capacities), we guarantee it is ensured by a similar degree of insurance as it has inside the EEA.

How long do we hold your data?

We will just hold your own data however long important to satisfy the reasons we gathered it for, including for the reasons for fulfilling any legitimate, bookkeeping or lawful necessities.
Access Solicitation to your Data, you can approach the data we hold about you.
On the off chance that you wish to do as such, we encourage you to email expressing "Subject Access Solicitation", your name, client account number and what sort of close to home data you might want to get. We will guarantee our data insurance delegate will react to your solicitation.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

By utilizing any of our Locales, you consent to this Privacy Policy. This is our whole and select Privacy Policy and it supplants any prior variant. We may change this Privacy Policy whenever by posting a reexamined variant on our Locales and we subsequently urge you to occasionally survey this  Privacy Policy to remain educated regarding how we are securing the Individual Data we gather.
Your proceeded with utilization of our locales establishes your consent to this Privacy Policy and any updates.  Most current rendition of this policy can be found at

Additional data

On the off chance that you have inquiries regarding your own data or our privacy policy, if you don't mind reach us at To see all the data we have about you, and to address any mistakes, write to: 
Data Insurance Agent
The Cash and Carry
Unit 7 Newman
Road Croydon CR0 3JX, UK